Sunday 6 April 2014


Something clicked this week, and a new short Patches McGinley story appeared.  

There's a few changes to the last time Patches was seen.  Ink and brush replace Sharpie; no penciling, flowing with the brush; minimal dialogue; and most importantly, an odd little story that is an exercise in the joy of storytelling and feeling free.  I hope readers young and old like it, as I think this style could stick around for a while.

So indulge me, please. I'm enjoying the sheer fun of creating comics and seeing where they take me. Please click on the pages below to see them larger, and feel free to comment. It'd be really nice to see what you think.

Thursday 3 April 2014


Here's a test panel from a new short Patches McGinley story I'm working on at present. It's drawn up and scanned, I'll start coloring (sic) and lettering tonight.

I'm experimenting (again) with style by drawing 'without a safety net', as Sean Phillips would put it (during his amazing run on Hellblazer). That is, no penciling, just brush and ink.  I like the spontaneity of it, and it looks cool with colours too. It makes a nice change, and is nice to do after getting a little 'burnt out' on drawing.

The story should be done in a few days, and will be posted here. I think there'll be some more short (and odd) Patches stories soon.